DEVELOPMENT OF ARTIFICIAL RAINFALL APPARATUS SIMULATING NATURAL RAINFALL : Sound radiation characteristics of lightweight roofs excited by rain Part 1
自然降雨をシミュレートするための降水装置の製作 : 降雨による軽量屋根構造の騒音発生に関する研究 その1

1993 Journal of Architecture Planning and Environmental Engineering (Transactions of AIJ)  
Metal and membranous matcria 互 s are o 丘en used for roofing of such ] arge buildings as sport stadiurns and exhibition ha1夏 s . 1n such cases , noisc radiated from roofs excitcd by rainfall often causes serious acoustic problcms . In order to i 皿vcstigatc thc sound radiation characteristics of such ki皿ds of roof construction , an anificial rainfall equipment was frrstly constructed to simulate natUral rainfall condition , and the sou 口 d radiation ' charactcristics of various kinds of
more » ... t roof have been investigated by sound power measurement . hl this papcr( part 1 ) , 量 hc way of simulating natUral rainfall and thc charcteristics of thc artificial rainfall equipment arc described .
doi:10.3130/aijax.454.0_1 fatcat:64jedz4bmrba5glxnjcobngdja