Pakistan Development Review: A bibliometric analysis of the

Sajjad Ullah, Jan, Prof Mumtaz, A Anwar
2013 Inter. J. Info. Manag. Sci   unpublished
A bibliometric study of the articles published in journals shows the status of advancement and research in a subject field. Economics is an important area of interest for social scientists. Therefore, there is a need to analyze the journal literature of economics to determine its research patterns. This study analyzes the papers published in the Pakistan Development Review during 1973-2009 to determine the authorship patterns (productivity, collaboration, and affiliation), the topics covered,
more » ... mber of references per paper and size of the papers in terms of pages. A total of 1066 authors contributed to the journal during this period. Single-authored articles (55.56%) were predominant followed by two-authored articles and three-authored articles. The collaborative works accounted for 44.44 percent. Most of the authors (55.81%) came from Pakistan; with the second and third positions occupied by USA and England. The most favourite subject was Agriculture with 15.12 percent of the articles. Demography, Family Planning, Fertility, Gender issues and Behaviour was the second most popular topic. The average number of references per article was 20.14 and the average length of the articles was 16.34 pages.