Institutionalizing the Global Order of Peace

Mădălina Virginia ANTONESCU
2017 Logos Universality Mentality Education Novelty Law  
Far from being an "obsolete and unsubstantial" premise for shaping the 21 st century reality, the "global order of peace" paradigm is a necessary tool for the pursuit of some major targets in building a non-conflict type of society. This paradigm is adequate to fulfill the basic international needs of this century: stability, mutual trust and a general will to reduce the military race (and focus on creating complex new architectures of global security and reinforcing the binding spirit of the
more » ... d 20 th century international treaties, instead). Conceiving and implementing new institutions, designed especially for responding to the global, asymmetrical crisis and conflicts of 21 st century (such as urban terrorism, migratory massive fluxes, climate changes and rapid global responses to global or major natural /technological catastrophes and pandemics etc.) entail preparing adequately for the un-conventional order of 21 st century. Despite claims of necessity to return to the benefits of the Westphalian old formula, the 21 st century real order will never be again a classical, predictable, simple order of nations-states, built according to the traditional Westphalian model. Instead, we will be forced to face a dynamic, even turbulent, chaotic and multi-layered order, changing permanently its belts of security and prosperity, from one region to another. It is a changing order and nobody can predict where this order will move its chain of stability and prosperity, also due to the lack of adequate, global, un-conventional institutions.
doi:10.18662/lumenlaw.1 fatcat:eoi4uh2tgvbqzluool7yixvbda