Thematic Section Guest Editorial: 22nd Workshop on Aggression: Contemporary Perspectives on Aggressive Behavior: Exploring Trends across the Lifespan - Part 1

Herbert Scheithauer, Panayiotis Stavrinides, Kostas Fanti
2019 International Journal of Developmental Science  
cyber-)bullying, the prevention of (cyber-)bullying respectively, taking into account different methodological approaches. Pfetsch, Schultze-Krumbholz, and Füllgraf (2018) investigate whether peer norms for cyberbullying foster anti-cyberbullying norms, differentiating between individual and classroom norms. Using an experimental, pre-post controldesign the authors did not find changes in individual norms following a short term intervention -although norms in general were associated with
more » ... llying behavior. Solomontos-Kountouri and Strohmeier (2018) investigate how different groups of bullying involved or uninvolved adolescents in Cyprus perceive the measures of the well-established preventive intervention program ViSC. The authors report meaningful differences between these groups regarding their most and least liked program activities. Both studies have important implications for the design and implementation of preventive intervention programs against bullying and cyberbullying in schools. This double issue of IJDS also includes two regular papers: Collette and Miller (2018) investigate children's story preferences as a function of age (6-8 years vs. 9-12 years old) and cultural orientation,
doi:10.3233/dev-189003 fatcat:3jbuvlub3zdutgr54h3c25muwu