Investigating the Relationship between Electronic Prescription System and Reduction of Pharmacists' Errors Using UTAUT Model

Hamid Reza Peikari, Mahboubeh Rezazadeh, Management, Department of Management, Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran, Department of Phrmceutics and Health Information Technology Research Center (HTPRC), Isfahn University of Medical Science, Isfahan, Iran
2021 Health Research Journal  
ne of the policies which is recently pursued by Social Insurance Organization, is the omission of printed prescription notes through online physician order entry systems and patients' referral to pharmacies to take the prescribed items. One of the challenges to use this system in pharmacies is O Introduction: One of the recent health related policies is the elimination of traditional insurance booklets by online registering the medical prescriptions by physicians and referring the patient to a
more » ... harmacy. The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between professional errors and UTAUT factors for using the electronic version system of the Social Security Organization by pharmacists in Isfahan using the UTAUT model. Materials and Methods: The method of this research was descriptive-correlation with applied purpose. The statistical population of the study was the technical managers of pharmacies in Isfahan which among them 384 subjects were selected using Morgan table. The data collection tool was the standard questionnaire of Venkatesh et al. with 22 questions for UTAUT agents and the professional error questionnaire of 5 questions of Peikari and colleagues whose validity and reliability were been confirmed. The reliability of the questionnaire for all dimensions was more than 0.7. Research data were analyzed by structural equation modeling with Smart PLS software. Results: The findings showed that the expected effort and reduction of professional errors affect the expected performance of pharmacists (P <0.001). It also has a significant effect on expected performance, expected effort, facilitating factors and social factors on acceptance intention (P <0.001). Also, the intention of acceptance and facilitating factors have a significant effect on the acceptance of the system (P <0.001). Conclusion: The design of the electronic version system of the Social Security Organization and also the initial mental perception of pharmacists of reducing operational errors due to the use of these systems can be effective on their intention to use these systems.
doi:10.52547/hrjbaq.6.2.139 fatcat:ck4tr7ectjbldfosmq7mipypka