1P091 Liposome Display : Directed evolution of membrane protein, alpha hemolysin, by using liposome and cell-free translation system(01F. Protein:Engineering,Poster)
1P091 膜たんぱく質の進化工学手法「リポソームディスプレイ法」の構築と実践 : リポソームと無細胞翻訳系によるα-ヘモリシンのin vitro分子進化(01F. 蛋白質:蛋白質工学/進化工学,ポスター,日本生物物理学会年会第51回(2013年度))

Satoshi Fujii, Tomoaki Matsuura, Takeshi Sunami, Yasuaki Kazuta, Tetsuya Yomo
2013 Seibutsu Butsuri  
In vitro methods have enabled the rapid and efficient evolution of proteins and successful generation of novel and highly functional proteins. However, the available methods deal only with globular proteins (e.g., antibodies and enzymes), and not membrane proteins. Here, we report the development of a method named liposome display that can evolve the properties of membrane proteins entirely in vitro. This method, which involves in vitro protein synthesis inside liposomes was applied to the
more » ... forming activity of alpha-hemolysin (AH), a membrane protein derived from Staphylococcus aureus. The obtained AH mutant possessed only two point mutations but exhibited a 30-fold increase in its poreforming activity compared with the wild-type. 1P092 ニワトリクリプトクロム 1 のヘム結合モチーフ(HRM)の
doi:10.2142/biophys.53.s121_1 fatcat:qiywfxhynzcunksvsh3j5tvb2y