A Review on the School – Based Learning Activity Sheet Towards Improvement of Instructional Material

Faye Joy F. Delos Reyes, Dennis G. Caballes
2021 International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications (IJSRP)  
Education is essential for each person's personal interests as well as his role as a citizen. The utilization of instructional material is linked to the advancement of knowledge and technology while being consistent with national and educational objectives. Educators convey the subject and learners acquire it in daily tasks that become routines. Learners, of course, require engaging instructional materials as a tool for gathering information during the learning process, therefore learning
more » ... als with exciting innovations are required so that students are motivated to learn. The aim of the study was to assess the views and opinions of the learners on the utilization of Learning Activity Sheets (LAS), gain improvements from colleagues and other Science teachers and lastly, to evaluate the existing LAS. The result shows that upon learners perceived the LAS as neutral wherein it can be an effective instructional material. It can imply that the instructional material should be creative and appealing to increase learner's interest. Moreover, additional pictures on the LAS were one of the improvements stated by the teachers. The study can recommend that when creating learning activities, it's important to consider how students process new information, learn new skills, or establish a new way of thinking. Learning activities must also be created in such a way that they lead to the fulfillment of the course and program objectives. The process of activity design is the methodical planning of learning experiences to achieve those two objectives. Adherence to an explicit design process is the first step in creating effective, high-quality learning activities. Learning outcomes must be examined both during and after each activity to ensure that the activity delivered the necessary depth of comprehension. The activity should also be evaluated to see how it may be improved for future use.
doi:10.29322/ijsrp.11.08.2021.p11627 fatcat:obzdoj2jz5hfhbm23udq5gafwu