Review the story of Lion and Cow in Kelile and Demneh, based on a syntactic representation of narration in Todorova's narrative theory

Yadollah Shokri
2018 Literary Arts  
Extensive studies on the structure and form of literary works have expanded semantic growth methods and stories and tales. As a huge part of the world, literature have created different methods and Semantic sciences in their own structure, also in the present day critics' attention to the structure of the story, review and analyze its constituent elements has grown variety opinions in this field. Narrative Science is one of these theories that emerge with the principles and rules of the
more » ... alism school and aligns the reader with the characters of their stories and their thoughts along with the structural elements. The narrative is a text in which the narrator expresses a tale. Therefore, each tale is a narrative itself and whatever happens to mankind and non-human beings can be analyzed from a narrative perspective. In the narrative Science, the analysis of a tale is organized and the views of the critics and theorists in this science are arranged by using the definitive principles and rules. This science like language which focuses on elements and components such as phonemes and phrases examines and analyzes the smallest elements of the tale and its design and structure. Todorova, in the position of one of the structuralism narrators, examines each tale from three verbal, syntacticand semantic representations. The study and analysis of narrative tales in the viewpoint of narrative theories suggest that stories and narrations are based on well-founded and systematic base of narrative structures. These structures, which represent the principles and structure of the narrative, place the story in a narrative line that aims to express the meaning and message of the tale. The study of Lion and Cow in Kalile and Demneh in terms of syntactic representation of Todorov's theory shows that narration and its principles correspond to these tales and have a regular and almost common structure. According to Todorov's theory, each tale consists of various propositions and episodes with its own characteristics whi [...]
doi:10.22108/liar.2018.105232.1203 doaj:408c6fa65a0f49ffa093d4492cbdad48 fatcat:mxri3lutznba3hmw6j7cc2ugsm