Material properties and characterizations of cross-linked electro-spinning raspberry ketone incorporated polyvinyl alcohol/gelatin fibrous scaffolds

Trinh Quang Bao, Rose Ann Franco, Byong Taek Lee
2011 Journal of Biomedical Science and Engineering  
The properties of polyvinyl alcohol/gelatin (PVA/GE) nanofibers have been previously investigated as a function of the processing parameters such as the ratios of PVA and GE, electrical field and tip-to-collector distance during the electro-spinning process, in this study, the properties of the electro-spinning PVA/GE nanofibers were examined when different solution feed rates were used to create the fibrous scaffold. The optimal conditions for the PVA/GE fibrous scaffold were determined to be
more » ... PVA/GE blend ratio of 8/2, electrical field of 24 kV, tip-to-collector distance of 10 cm and speed rate of 1 ml.h -1 . Using these conditions, Raspberry ketone (RK) was incorporated into PVA/GE fibrous scaffolds and their microstructure and material properties were characterized by SEM, DSC and XRD techniques. When the incorporated RK and PVA/GE fibrous scaffolds were crosslinked, the tensile strength and water-resistant ability increased at increasing cross-linking time. However, in the in vitro analysis, a longer cross-linking time was shown to increase its cytotoxicity. The cytotoxicity of RKPVA/GE-8 fibrous scaffold was evaluated based on a cell proliferation study by culturing L-929 fibroblast cell on the fibrous scaffold for 1, 3 and 5 days. In these experiments, cell expansion was observed and the cells spread during the entire cell culture time.
doi:10.4236/jbise.2011.41001 fatcat:7omsiq7hencdjiqnxllhbtmcki