Nuances of Meaning Synonyms for Affixed Ke-An Abstract Noun in Indonesian

Desra Fitria Erita, Ngusman Abdul Manaf, Novia Juita
2019 Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Languages and Arts (ICLA 2018)   unpublished
A number of articles of synonyms have been researched by some previous researchers, but the research only discussed the same elements of meaning in synonymous words, but lacks in studying the nuances of meaning. The writing of this article was carried out to explain the nuances of the meaning of synonyms for the affixed ke-an abstract noun in Indonesian. This type of research is qualitative using descriptive methods. The data of this research are written in Indonesian sentences which are an
more » ... xed ke-an abstract noun. This research data sources are from the Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia,, and researcher intuition. These data were analyzed qualitatively based on the technique of analyzing the components of meaning and substitution techniques. The results of the study show that (1) not all synonyms of the ke-an affixed abstract noun in Indonesian have a pair of synonyms, (2) the synonyms of the ke-an affixed abstract noun in Indonesian have incomplete and not absolute synonyms, and (3) synonyms the ke-an affixed abstract noun in Indonesian has different nuances of cognitive and emotive meanings.
doi:10.2991/icla-18.2019.46 fatcat:jpdhbpfne5a27nkbvhe6ydrm3u