Using Deferred Income Taxes As A Link Between Intermediate Accounting And Corporate Income Tax Courses

Robert P. Derstine, David D. Wagaman
2012 American Journal of Business Education  
The accounting curriculum (in fact business colleges in general) often is accused of operating in silos. As a result, it is claimed that students fail to see the connections among the assignments in their separate course work and the necessity to have an integrated understanding to function effectively in the real-world. As a response to the criticism, we use deferred income taxes as a means to help students bridge the gap between their Intermediate Accounting classes and their Corporate Income
more » ... Tax course. As a bonus, students also: 1.) better understand the difficult topic of deferred income taxes, 2.) better understand Schedule M-1on the corporate tax return, and 3.) gain experience in documentation via the preparation of accounting work papers.
doi:10.19030/ajbe.v5i6.7398 fatcat:tlkdd4tokfeufk2haso7cytcym