Education and Career Choices: How the School Can Support Young People to Develop Knowledge and Decision-making Skills

Helena Eriksson, Sara Högdin, Anna Isaksson
2018 Universal Journal of Educational Research  
Contemporary society is characterized by rapid changes in the labor market, increased flow of information, and more opportunities to make choices in relation to education and career. Previous research has demonstrated how many young people in school don't think they get the support they need to make such choices. The overall aim of this article is to contribute to more in-depth knowledge of what kind of support and knowledge young adults describe as important in order to be able to make
more » ... choices. This knowledge might help school to better support young people in acquiring the knowledge, skills, and attitudes in relation to their education and career choices. The article is based on interviews with 25-year-old men and women. 23 interviews were conducted. In sum, the analysis indicates that guidance activities that aims to contribute to knowledge about the labor market, programs and courses and requirements for different education programs would probably be perceived as more fruitful by the young adults if they are organized in a combination of different levels, i.e. both as group activities (exhibitions, general information/discussion) and individual activities (personal information/discussion). Further, the authors demonstrate that roles and expectations between pupils, teachers and guidance counselors should be discussed and clarified.
doi:10.13189/ujer.2018.060907 fatcat:5kihubdjnfaivfaqs6sbcahrni