An experimental study of reactive turbulent mixing

1977 15th Aerospace Sciences Meeting   unpublished
rn • ►^ An experimental study of the turbu l ent mixing of two coaxial gas streams, which react very rapid l y (pseudo -hypergoIic chemical kinetics), was performed to investigate the mixing cha r acteristics of tu r bulent flow fields. The center stream consisted of a CO-N 2 mixture and the outer annular stream consisted of air vitiated by H a combustion The streams were at equal velocity (50 m/sec) and temperature ! 1 280 K) Tu r bulence measu r ements were obtained using hot film anemomet r
more » ... A sampling probe was used to obtain time averaged gas compositions Six different turbulence generators were placed in the annular passage to alter the flow field mixing characteristics The turbulence generators affected the bulk mixing of the streams and thi extent of CO conversion to different deyre p s. The effects can be related to the average eddy size (integral scale) and the bulk mixing Higher extents of conversion Of CO " CO2 were found by increasing the bulk mixing and decreasing the average eddy s ize
doi:10.2514/6.1977-186 fatcat:xkztqs6covc7ndzyzvwx64icw4