A Control Device to Monitor Domestic Violence using Speech Analysis

Tanmay Debnath
2020 International Journal of Computer Applications  
This paper demonstrates the implementation of MFCC and HMM modules in voice simulated areas for the prevention and monitoring of domestic violence in real-time. This is based on the system for automatic speech recognition using the hidden Markov model Toolkit (HTK) and Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCC). The paper also holds an account for improved sound recognition provision using google recognition. The expected billing amount is also presented in this paper, for an approximate view
more » ... the product pricings. The device is theorised to function in all environment scenarios. The report has been presented in a detailed manner with all underlying components. The device is purely based on user experience and considering real-life scenarios and test cases.
doi:10.5120/ijca2020920214 fatcat:55ppkfngzvb7pi6wpegcomrcba