Mooring lines with reduced recoil properties - design, analysis and standardization

D. Stenvers, W. Wilke, E. McCorkle, R. Chou
Oceans '04 MTS/IEEE Techno-Ocean '04 (IEEE Cat. No.04CH37600)  
A horizontal synthetic rope testing machine, with a 500,000 kg capacity, was constructed for Samson Rope Technologies by Satec. The testing machine was designed to accommodate the characteristics of synthetic rope that are different than wire rope -such as higher elongation. With its high crosshead speed capability and elongation measurement capability, this machine can be used to study both the dynamic and static behaviors of high performance ropes. A patented 12-strand HMPE rope was developed
more » ... to exhibit reduced recoil properties. This paper discusses the design, testing and analysis of this technology. Comparison of rope testing standards and analysis of energy absorption and rope recoil are presented and the effects of rope length are discussed. Development of the Cordage Institute testing procedure CI1502 is also presented to summarize the collective efforts in the cordage industry to standardize the testing and performance requirements of a reduced recoil rope.
doi:10.1109/oceans.2004.1406434 fatcat:ebld5lpkufgyvin7myyhvwpi6a