Self-cleaning and surface recovery with arsine pretreatment in ex situ atomic-layer-deposition of Al2O3 on GaAs

Cheng-Wei Cheng, John Hennessy, Dimitri Antoniadis, Eugene A. Fitzgerald
2009 Applied Physics Letters  
Annealing native oxide covered GaAs samples in Arsine͑AsH 3 ͒ prior to atomic-layer-deposition of Al 2 O 3 with trimethyaluminum ͑TMA͒ and isopropanol ͑IPA͒ results in capacitance-voltage ͑C-V͒ characteristics of the treated samples that resemble the superior C-V characteristics of p-type GaAs grown by an in situ metal-organic chemical vapor deposition process. Both TMA and IPA show self-cleaning effect on removing the native oxide in ex situ process, little evidence of a native oxide was
more » ... ed with high resolution transmission electron microscopy at the Al 2 O 3 / GaAs interface. The discrepancy in the C-V characteristics was observed in in situ p-and n-type GaAs samples.
doi:10.1063/1.3213545 fatcat:2udw2656yrexra72b55rhtexhy