Four new crustaceans in the Guadalquivir river estuary (SW Spain), including an introduced species

J. A. Cuesta
1996 Limnetica  
This work reports on the presence in the Guadalquivir River estuary of the mysids Neomysis integer and Rhopalophthalmus mediterrane~is and well established populations of the isopod Synidotea laevidorsalis and the amphipod Corophium orientale. All species are new for the fauna of the Iberian Peninsula. S. Iaevidorsalis is reported here for the second in European waters. Their introductions are probably associated with aquacuIfure transplants, fouling on ship's hulls or with ballast water transport.
doi:10.23818/limn.12.05 fatcat:shdwnsjxjjcktctpk26g5sdvx4