Novel findings in sea cucumber's digestive capacities: Enzymatic activities in the respiratory tree, implications for aquaculture

Gloria Martínez‐Milián, Miguel A. Olvera‐Novoa, Elva Mayra Toledo‐Cuevas
2021 Journal of the World Aquaculture Society  
There is a demand for proper feed and feeding strategies in the growing sea cucumber aquaculture. The digestive system of holothurians seems to increase nutrient assimilation through the respiratory tree (RT), but digestive functioning in this organ has not been investigated. This study evaluated the enzymatic activity of the cytosolic leucine alanine peptidase (leu-ala) and acid phosphatase, the membranelinked aminopeptidase-N (APN), the bile salt-activated lipase, laminarinase (LAM), and
more » ... cosidase (BGL), in the RT and segments of the digestive tract (DT; foregut, midgut, and hindgut) of adult Isostichopus badionotus. All enzymes, except LAM and BGL, exhibited comparable activity levels in the RT and the DT segments, but APN and BGL activities were significantly higher in the whole DT compared with those in RT, with high activity of leu-ala in both organs. These results indicate a relevant role of the RT as an accessory organ in sea cucumber digestive physiology. Consequently, I. badionotus seems to be able to digest feeds from the water column through the RT, maximizing the use of available nutrients by luminal, intracellular, and apical membrane-linked digestive modes. These findings expand the knowledge of sea cucumber digestive mechanisms, with
doi:10.1111/jwas.12836 fatcat:wpdyrght7bbpfdos7arzqaonpe