Effect of Variation in Tire Pressure on Power Generation From A Pre-Stressed Piezoelectric Element Installed in A Car Tire

Solomon Wakolo, John Kihiu, Peter Kihato, Kenneth Njoroge, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology
2020 International Journal of Engineering Research and  
Power generation from piezoelectric elements has been done quite extensively in the recent past. Of great interest have been the factors that affect power generation from different piezoelectric power harvesting systems with an aim of optimizing the harvesting process. In this paper the effect of variation in tire pressure on the power output is investigated for a tire in which elements are placed between an introduced inner tube and the tire carcass (referred to as a pre-stressed tire). The
more » ... ults are then compared with those of a tire in which the elements are glued inside the tire without any inner tube. From the tests, it was found out that both tires give progressively better output with increasing tire pressure up to a maximum pressure beyond which the output drops for excitation forces below some established value. This optimum pressure was found to be 20 psi for the tire with an inner tube and 10psi for a tire without an inner tube. Though the tubeless tire was found to give better outputs at lower pressures, the pre-stressed (tubed) tire was found to give out the highest overall power output and would be more suitable for actual application in cars.
doi:10.17577/ijertv9is040329 fatcat:nqvdlnzamrcsfk7l5yxvtmlpye