Balancing family agriculture to improve sustainable public management of school feeding

Gilmar Silva, Ruan Carlos Santos
2020 Brazilian Journal of Development  
Within the limits of the institutionalization of the National Program for the Strengthening of Family Agriculture (PRONAF) and the National School Feeding Program (PNAE) in Camboriú, the main objective of this work was to identify the possible causes that made public calls annually in that municipality "Desert act" by local farmers or cooperatives. The methodology applied in the present research consists of a qualitative and descriptive bibliographical research, in order to obtain the necessary
more » ... data for the accomplishment of the objectives of the same one, where interviews were realized with different social actors that work directly with the institutionalization of the PNAE and PRONAF, as well as agencies that are directly linked to farmers. The interviews reveal that the agents linked to the functioning of the PNAE and the PRONAF are knowledgeable about the subject and execute the legislation pertinent to each of these programs. On the other hand, the agents directly linked to the farmers showed to know the subject and problematization of this research, however they did not reveal to develop any action that could reverse the picture of the absence of farmers in the public calls.
doi:10.34117/bjdv6n6-474 fatcat:2gsumcyzavg7hnhqf2wmckkdme