Late Devonian (Famennian) brachiopods from Takaya, Bungo-ono City, Oita Prefecture, in the Kurosegawa Belt of Kyushu, southwestern Japan

Jun-ichi Tazawa, Yuichiro Sato, Teruo Aso, Tetsuo Sugiyama
2021 Chishitsugaku zasshi  
Two Devonian brachiopod species, Spinocyrtia sp. and Strophopleura notabilis (Kindle), are here described from the newly proposed Takaya Formation of Takaya, Bungo-ono City, Oita Prefecture, in the Kurosegawa Belt of Kyushu, southwestern Japan. This is the first record, with systematic descriptions, of Devonian brachiopods from Kyushu. The Takaya fauna indicates a Late Devonian (Famennian) age. The Takaya Formation is thereby correlated with the Famennian formations of the Kurosegawa, South Kitakami and Hida Gaien belts in Japan. Letter
doi:10.5575/geosoc.2020.0055 fatcat:mo6ezcfyerhnpmnvonczv5xar4