Longitudinal fluctuations of the fireball density in heavy-ion collisions

Adam Bzdak, Derek Teaney
2013 Physical Review C  
We show that fluctuations of the fireball shape in the longitudinal direction generate nontrivial rapidity correlations that depend not only on the rapidity difference, y_1 - y_2, but also on the rapidity sum, y_1 + y_2. This is explicitly demonstrated in a simple wounded nucleon model, and the general case is also discussed. We show how to extract different components of the fluctuating fireball shape from the measured two-particle rapidity correlation function. The experimental possibility of
more » ... studying the longitudinal initial conditions in heavy-ion and proton-proton collisions is emphasized.
doi:10.1103/physrevc.87.024906 fatcat:tipdm7pk4bgjffayfoxyvrtuum