The Turin Process and the Development of Qualifications Frameworks for Working Specialties in Russia and European Countries

Maria Sinyagovskaya
2018 Proceedings of the International Conference on the Development of Education in Russia and the CIS Member States (ICEDER 2018)   unpublished
Abstract:The article discusses the process of developing vocational education in a number of EU countries and Russia in the context of the Turin process. Comparative features of vocational education systems of Germany, Poland, Finland, and Denmark are revealed. The genesis of dual vocational education and the difference in educational goals in the compared countries is studied, the arguments of the choice of countries for comparison are presented. The features of European support for dual
more » ... onal education, as well as general and excellent educational goals and objectives in the compared countries are outlined.
doi:10.2991/iceder-18.2018.26 fatcat:sjkpchny75hphbyly54ao6rfki