Referee comment on acp-2020-555 [post]

2020 unpublished
General comments The focus of this study is to investigate the effect of meteorological conditions and atmospheric composition on the occurrence of new particle formation (NPF) events at 16 sites (rural, urban background and roadside) located in 6 European countries. The results are based on more than 85 years of meteorological and atmospheric composition data. The authors are using a binned linear regression to find correlations between parameters such as windspeed, temperature, pressure, or
more » ... lar radiation intensity, ozone or volatile organic compounds mixing ratios to name a few, and the occurrence of NPF, C1 ACPD Interactive comment Printer-friendly version Discussion paper
doi:10.5194/acp-2020-555-rc2 fatcat:pliuh6tyn5gkxooi2pfek7rndu