Computer Software Aided Regression Analysis of Correlation between Internet Communication and Residents' Consumption

Jiongwei Chen, Guoping Cheng
2015 Proceedings of the First International Conference on Information Sciences, Machinery, Materials and Energy   unpublished
In this paper, we try to find out the correlation between internet communication and residents' consumption. Based on the objective, with a computer software aided method, we choose the annual statistic data of residents' consumption level and internet communication population of China from 2003 to 2013, and use econometrics software Eviews 6.0 and least square method to build the linear regression model between residents' consumption level and internet communication population. The result
more » ... that there does exist a linear correlation between residents' consumption level and internet communication population. Yet, we still hope to find out the exact correlation equation between residents' consumption level and internet communication population. As to internet communication population, with the development of the Internet industry of China, there are more and more people enjoy the fun of surfing the internet, that is to say, the internet International Conference on Information Sciences, Machinery, Materials and Energy (ICISMME 2015)
doi:10.2991/icismme-15.2015.143 fatcat:kh4fv2ebknfw7bsmbdmzjjjvcy