Study of Phosphorus Metabolism in Thyrotoxic Myopathy
Thyrotoxic myopathyの燐酸代謝に関する研究

Hisayuki KOWA
1965 Folia Endocrinologica Japonica  
H. Kowa (4) These was no correlation between thyroid function tests and creatine phosphate, and adenosine triphosphate contents or creatine phosphokinase activities in muscle in thyrotoxicosis. However, between grip strength and levels of adenosine triphosphate or of creatine phosphokinase activities in muscles from thyrotoxic patients, some degee of correlation was proved statistically. (5) Similar results were obtained in experimental thyrotoxic animals. (6) The possible role of phosphorus
more » ... abolism in pathogenesis of thyrotoxic myopathy was discussed. (pp. 42-,50) Vol. 41 No. 1
doi:10.1507/endocrine1927.41.1_42 pmid:14298967 fatcat:udjso734uzb27oeup52xbt6poe