Reflections on Odor Management for Animal Feeding Operations

Kevin Janni
2020 Atmosphere  
Most animal feeding operation owners recognize that they need to manage odors from their operations as part of their social relationship with their neighbors and local community. That was not always the case. Odors, whether pleasant or unpleasant, can evoke strong emotions and physiological responses. Odors from animal feeding operations are normally considered unpleasant and offensive if strong smelling and smelled often or for long periods of time. Animal feeding operation owners need to be
more » ... are of their odor emissions and the impacts the odors have on their neighbors and community. Good neighbor relations and effective communications can help identify odor problems and communicate what is being done to manage them. Odor management research and education includes odor basics, key processes including generation, emissions and dispersion, impacts, community and neighbor relations, and numerous mitigation practices. Animal feeding operation owners considering practices to reduce odor emissions or their impacts need to weigh the costs, expected effectiveness, and how the practice fits into the overall operation. Policymakers need science-based information to make informed decisions that balance the concerns and needs of neighbors and the community and the businesswomen and men that own and operate the animal feeding operations. This paper provides a broad overview of animal feeding operation odors and odor management.
doi:10.3390/atmos11050453 fatcat:st4db6o6n5hapbndwddzo5wlzu