Photo-mediated iron transformations in marine waters [thesis]

Penjai Sompongchaiyakul
Fe(Il) generation in filtered and non-filtered Malabar seawater collected on 29 June, 1995. Open circle (o) indicates filtered sample, closed circle(•) indicates non-filtered sample. Fe(Il) generation in non-filtrated Malabar seawater collected on different days. Triangle (A) indicates seawater collected on 28 June 1995, closed circle(•) indicates seawater collected on 29 June 1995. Fe(Il) photo-generation and decay in ORS seawater containing humic acid. (a) seawater containing 2 mg/L humic
more » ... and 50 nM added Fe(III), and (b) seawater containing 10 mg/L humic acid and 100 nM added Fe(III). Fe(Il) photo-generation in seawater at different concentrations of added humic acid ranging from O to 10 mg/L. Effect of humic acid concentration in pH 8.2 seawater on the steady state concentration of photo-generated Fe(II). (a) Apparent first order rate constant, and (b) initial generation rate of Fe(Il) in pH 8.2 seawater at different concentrations of humic acid. Fe(Il) photo-generation in seawater containing 2 mg/L humic acid with increasing amounts of additional Fe(IIl) ranging from O to 1000 nM. Effect of additional Fe(ID) on the Fe(m steady state concentrations attained on photolysis of ORS seawater containing 2 mg/L humic acid. (a) Apparent first order rate constant, and (b) initial Fe(II) generation rate in pH 8.2 seawater containing 2 mg/L humic acid and different concentrations of added Fe(III). Comparison of Fe(II) photo-generation in pH 8.2 seawater to which either Aldrich humic acid or IHSS Suwanee River humic acid (SWN) has been added. Fe(Il) photo-generation and decay in seawater containing 70 mg/L salicylic acid and 100 nM added Fe(III). Fe(Il) photo-generation in seawater containing different concentrations of salicylic acid and Fe(III). Effect of salicylic acid on steady state concentration of Fe(II) photogeneration in pH 8.2 seawater (a) salicylic acid concentration in seawater varied without any additional Fe(III); (b) amount of additional Fe(III) varied in seawater containing 70 mg/L salicylic acid.
doi:10.26190/unsworks/10775 fatcat:nnl7ejrcazdvnlqgo4lmqygsfa