Sympathetic devices

Claudia B. Rebola, Brian Jones
2013 Proceedings of the 31st ACM international conference on Design of communication - SIGDOC '13  
This paper provides an outline of a framework used in a series of interactive product concepts designed for and with older adults. This framework was developed as part of a research focus, entitled "sympathetic devices," which focuses on the design of communication technologies for older adults. The core elements of the framework are outlined providing examples of product concepts where the framework has been applied in order to demonstrate its capabilities. The significance of utilizing the
more » ... mework is to better design technologies to help older adults age healthy and independently, specially focusing on the utilization of tangible interactions as an extension of the use of touch interfaces.
doi:10.1145/2507065.2507083 dblp:conf/sigdoc/RebolaJ13 fatcat:bgogv2vlvbajbopo6sfqcwsw2u