Effect of harvesting time on yield and sown quality of spring cereals during storage

Olga Snigireva, E. Renev, R. Changzhong, V. Romanyuk, G. Batalova, Y. Shavrokov
2021 BIO Web of Conferences  
It is important to correctly determine the stage of harvesting. To establish full ripeness, it is necessary to accurately identify the period when plastic substances stop entering the grain. All this is necessary for the formation of high-quality grain. Due to the long-term storage of grain, its germination decreases, as there are violations in the processes of metabolism. Therefore, during the storage period, it is necessary to control the quality of the seed material. The purpose of the
more » ... ch was to determine the impact of harvesting time and long-term storage of grain for obtaining seed material with high indicators of yield and sowing qualities. The experimental part of the work was carried out on the experimental field and in the laboratory conditions of the FGBNU FANC North-East in 2015-2020. From each variant of the experiment, 1 kg of seeds of the 2015 harvest were stored. Under laboratory conditions, the germination energy and laboratory germination capacity of the seeds were tested. In 2020, field germination and yield qualities of seeds were studied in three-fold repetition on meter plots. During the years of research, changes in the sowing qualities of seeds obtained during storage in 2015 were noted. Seeds from crops that were harvested at the onset of the full ripeness phase and at a grain moisture content of 17 ... 20 %, (1), the indicators of germination energy and germination were the highest than when harvested at a later time. A significant decrease in indicators was noted in the cleaning options for 10 and 15 days later than the optimal one. The study of the influence of the harvest year and the duration of seed storage showed that seeds 1 and 2 of the harvest period in 2015 provide a higher yield than seeds 3 and 4 of the harvest period. The use of late-harvest seeds in sowing leads to a decrease in the weight of 1000 grains and the nature of the grain.
doi:10.1051/bioconf/20213605001 fatcat:pqs6goletna6zcsf5w2ery7k4y