Wheel Chair Control Based on Biometric with Automatic Obstacle Detection

Harish, Naveen Kumar N, Yuvaneswaran, Praveen Kumar
International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology © 2017 IJSRCSEIT   unpublished
This paper basically provides a real time model of a low cost wheel chair based on the guiding movement of the tongue, for the persons disabled with quadriplegia. The model is realized through the data comparison in serial communication with the special purpose microcontroller IC. In this paper tongue is our object detected by using infrared signals to serially interact with the controller, which in turn, controls the wheel chair movements. This communicative act with as the wireless, be here
more » ... use RF transmitter and receiver after then controlled by the wheelchair. In this model Ultrasonic sensor used to detect obstacles and Image processing is done to recognize the obstacle and provides them information about the obstacle.