Student progress in understanding energy concepts in photosynthesis using interactive visualizations

Kihyun (Kelly) Ryoo, Marcia C. Linn
2010 International Conference of the Learning Sciences  
J!#'P%!82#)'2)!L1-Q)29!&8#'M!#'9)1029#7)! 7#8&0*#R09#-'84! Eight classes of 7 th grade students (N=220) completed the project. S9&J)'98! M)')109)J! narrative explanations and visual representations of their ideas. Students made significant gains in understanding of energy source, energy transformation, and energy transfer in photosynthesis.! !
dblp:conf/icls/RyooL10 fatcat:vtq4jhi52rfqbiji7qmw4sr5py