Ion plateau transport near the tokamak magnetic axis

K. C. Shaing, R. D. Hazeltine
1998 Physics of Plasmas  
Conventional neoclassical transport theory does not pertain near the magnetic axis, where orbital variation of the minor radius and the poloidal field markedly change the nature of guiding-center trajectories. Instead of the conventional tokamak banana-shaped trajectories, near-axis orbits, called potato orbits, are radially wider and lead to distinctive kinetic considerations. Here it is shown that there is a plateau regime for the near-axis case; the corresponding potato-plateau ion thermal
more » ... nductivity is computed. 52.25.Fi, 52.25.Dg, 52.25.Fa Typeset using REVT E X
doi:10.1063/1.872663 fatcat:xu4sv77ftvgntczmcy4izrvhlq