Femtosecond 2DIR spectroscopy of the nitrile stretching vibration of thiocyanate anions in liquid-to-supercritical heavy water. Spectral diffusion and libration-induced hydrogen-bond dynamics

Denis Czurlok, Michael von Domaros, Martin Thomas, Jeannine Gleim, Jörg Lindner, Barbara Kirchner, Peter Vöhringer
2015 Physical Chemistry, Chemical Physics - PCCP  
Femtosecond two-dimensional infrared (2DIR) spectroscopy was carried out to study the dynamics of vibrational spectral diffusion of the nitrile stretching vibration of thiocyanate.
doi:10.1039/c5cp05237h pmid:26486475 fatcat:bplfydc4rvexjdzf2ss7tamsfa