BabelNet goes to the (Multilingual) Semantic Web

Roberto Navigli
2012 International Semantic Web Conference  
BabelNet is a very large, wide-coverage multilingual ontology. This resource is created by linking the largest multilingual Web encyclopedia -i.e., Wikipedia -to the most popular computational lexicon -i.e., WordNet. The integration is performed via an automatic mapping and by filling in lexical gaps in resource-poor languages with the aid of Machine Translation. The result is an "encyclopedic dictionary" that provides babel synsets, i.e., concepts and named entities lexicalized in many
more » ... s and connected with large amounts of semantic relations. BabelNet is available online at In this paper we present a first attempt at encoding BabelNet for the multilingual Semantic Web.
dblp:conf/semweb/Navigli12 fatcat:ucj2znuf6jgpphndqcp7bxnesa