Meaning in Metaphors Used in Nollywood Films: A Lexical Concept Integration

Eniayo Sobola
2019 Journal of Universal Language  
This paper examines contributions of the semantic potential of lexical items in the metaphorical expressions used in Nollywood films towards realisation of the intended meaning. Metaphor can be described as a semantic change based on a similarity in form or function between one linguistic concept and another. The data were extracted from the Nollywood films uploaded on internet via YouTube, and they are analysed using the lexical concept integration in Vyvyan Evans' theory of Lexical Concept
more » ... Cognitive Model in order to match the semantic potential of the lexical items in the metaphors used in the films. The study reveals that only the open-Eniayo Sobola Lecturer and Researcher,
doi:10.22425/jul.2019.20.1.99 fatcat:tmrxcphsjbakflvfivhpjz3zmi