Extracorporeal shock wave therapy in the management of midsubstance Achilles tendinopathy: the ASSERT database

G. Maffulli, J. Padulo, E. Iuliano, A. Saxena, J. Rompe, N. Maffullii
2019 Muscles Ligaments and Tendons Journal  
The present study aimed to determine the effectiveness of Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy (ESWT) in patients suffering from midsubstance Achilles tendinopathy in both the short and middle term. Methods: Participants were recruited by different clinicians in the National Health Service (NHS) and private sector centres in the UK. All data were collected in a web-based database named ASSERT (Assessment of the Effectiveness of ESWT for Soft Tissue Injuries). The 84 participants (average age 54.30
more » ... y; range 23-77 y) were administered in a standardized ESWT protocol, and outcome measures relative to their specific condition and health status (VAS for pain perception, the VISA-A for the severity of the Achilles tendinopathy in daily life activities, and the 6 scores ofEuroQol 5D for quality of life) were collected at baseline, and again after 3, 6, 12 and 24 months following ESWT intervention. Results: There was a significant amelioration over time in 5 of the 8 analyzed outcomes (all with p <0.0001), namely VAS, VISA-A, and 3 EQ-5D domains (Mobility, Pain/Discomfort, and Usual Activities scores). Conclusion: ESWT showed beneficial effects on midsubstance Achilles tendinopathy over a 24 month follow-up period. Level of evidence: IV.
doi:10.32098/mltj.03.2018.07 fatcat:srjouj5ylzgerdwhomqoco4lh4