幼児が立方体を構成する方略に関する研究 -遊びの環境が幼児に与える影響に焦点を当てて-

渡辺 敏
I have installed geometric toys in nursery schools for three years. Every year, we observed how five-years-old children play with geometric toys and studied the strategy of the construction of cubes by individuals, before and after observation. Three strategies were observed in the construction of cubes. The first one is a strategy that involves the construction of cubes using three visible sides, while the second one is a strategy that constructs parallel sides and the third one is a strategy
more » ... hat constructs them from a flat pattern. For both children who played well and did not play with geometric toys, development was observed in the strategies of constructing cubes. Rich, individual experience and the experience of observing friends playing with geometric toys developed the ability of young children to construct cubes. Key words: Spatial ability(空間能力) ,Early childhood mathematics education(幼児の算数教育) , Strategy of constructing a cube(立方体の構成方略)
doi:10.34388/1157.00001817 fatcat:2vqf2oamobatnptsjnfkwcdiqq