A Case of Chronic Cough and Recurrent Pneumonia Due to an Intrabronchial Foreign Body (Fish Bone), Undiagnosed for 20 Years

Kenji Nemoto, Masayuki Itoh, Seitaro Semba, Junzou Ishida, Naohiro Shimizudani, Hideki Adachi, Koji Kishi, Hiroyuki Nakamura, Kinya Furukawa, Makoto Saito, Shuji Oh-ishi
2010 The Journal of the Japan Society for Respiratory Endoscopy  
Background, There are some case reports of intrabronchial foreign bodies that were accidentally discovered due to recurrent pneurnollia, However such a long interval (2e years) before detection such as in the present case is rare. Case, A 57-year-old man had been suffering from a productive cough for 10 years and had been treated for chronic bronchitis in another hospital, He had also been treatod for recurrent pneumonia. He was referred to our hospital with pneumonia in the right lower lung
more » ... lds, Chest CT showed a high density linear lesion in the right truncus jntermedius. We perforrned a bronchoscopy which showed a foreign body with granuloma. Taking a detailed history revealed an episode of fish bone aspiration 20 years previously, After treatment with antibiotics, the foreign body was remeved by rigid bronchoscopy. Conclusion. Early diagnosis could avoid undetected long-standing foreign bodies which induce inflammation and granulation tissue, making them difficult to rernove, So we suggest that the possibility of an intrabronchial foreign body should be suspected in patients with a chronic cough and/or recurrentpneumoma.
doi:10.18907/jjsre.32.3_269 fatcat:cpf62l5hnfcw3nalcpujinprte