Characteristics and Suppression Strategies of Subsynchronous Oscillation in AC Power Grid Containing Wind Power Base

2021 International Journal of Frontiers in Engineering Technology  
The use of renewable energy sources such as wind and solar energy to replace increasingly depleted fossil energy sources has become a key way to achieve sustainable development in human society. Wind energy is one of the fastest growing clean energy sources in the world and the third largest clean energy source behind hydropower and nuclear power. However, the wind turbine is connected to the power grid through power electronics and adopts the traditional vector control based on the locker
more » ... Its dynamic behavior is not as friendly as that of a synchronous generator, and its resistance to disturbances is even worse in a weak grid. As the proportion of wind power continues to increase, the strength of the power grid continues to decline, resulting in a series of safety and stability accidents. In recent years, there have been many related studies on the application of synchronous control in inverters, but very little research on the application of synchronous control in double-fed fans. In this context, this paper mainly studies the sub-synchronous oscillation of AC power grids with wind power bases. Characteristics and suppression strategies. In this paper, the time window is 6-10s, and the eigenvalue analysis method is used to identify the type of the model. It can be seen that the identification result of PRONY analysis is consistent with the eigenvalue analysis, which verifies the correctness of the model and eigenvalue analysis result.
doi:10.25236/ijfet.2021.030607 fatcat:wfvirmqum5antfek7s6euylhpe