Organizational and legal mechanism of bio-medical emergencies management

Mykola Andriienko, Vladyslav Veklych, Bohdan Chernenko, Igor Venger, Larysa Shchekhovska
2022 International Journal of Health Sciences  
This study aims to investigate the features of the concept and practical functioning of the prevention and elimination mechanism of bio-medical emergencies. The biblio-semantic and analytical methods of the set question research are used. The mechanisms of medical and biological character emergencies management depending on the goals of the tools used, as well as recommendations for optimization of this process, were described. According to the study results, we concluded that the provision of
more » ... ustainable socio-economic society development should go side by side with the creation of a safe environment, ensuring the implementation of modern biosafety systems, and harmonizing with international legislation. There are all conditions for rapid changes in the epidemic situation in many countries with increasing anthropogenic impact on the environment, the resistance of infectious agents to chemotherapeutic and disinfectants, diversity of natural areas and biocoenosis, creating favorable conditions for the long-term existence of focal infections, identification of new forms, increased migration and international trade of food, as well as the spread of natural disasters and catastrophes. One of the ways to strengthen Ukraine's position may be to work on the creation of a risk management system in emergencies and bring legislation into conformity with international and EU legislation.
doi:10.53730/ijhs.v6n1.4323 fatcat:ocy4zlrhvbgchduskee6n2eutm