Design Models for Shaping of a Tooth Profile of External Fine-Module Ratchet Teeth

O V Sharkov, S I Koryagin, N L Velikanov
2016 IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering  
Simulation of the shaping for the fine-module external ratchet teeth at which the contacting surfaces are formed by the straight segments is considered in this paper. The design schemes for shaping of the proposed ratchet teeth by a shaper cutter and a rack are obtained. It is defined that the maximum length of the straight segment of the front edge ratchet teeth will be formed at shaping by a rack cutter. The effect of a module, a gradient angle and a radius of blank circles on the length of
more » ... e straight segment of the front edge ratchet teeth is investigated.
doi:10.1088/1757-899x/124/1/012165 fatcat:cy6p66cplbbrtesdeafi35gj7e