A technique to design complex 3D lab on a chip involving multilayered fluidics, embedded thick electrodes and hard packaging—application to dielectrophoresis and electroporation of cells

G Mottet, J Villemejane, L M Mir, B Le Pioufle
2010 Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering  
Nowadays, Lab On Chips (LOCs) require the development of new technologies in order to integrate complex fluidics, sensors, actuators... Such integration requires overcoming both technological bottlenecks and an increase in term of production cost. We propose a technique to manufacture reusable and complex LOCs made up of SU-8 resist for the fluidic structure, of glass for the hard packaging and are compatible with the integration of thick electrodes. The method is based on the combination of
more » ... bonding technologies, both based on a wafer bonder. The first one consists in the bonding of a thin photosensitive SU-8 dry film, which is similar to lamination. The second one is the standard bonding technique which uses a hard substrate covered by a SU-8 layer. The LOC that can be obtained thanks to the combination of these two methods are transparent, can include 3D microfluidic structures, and thick electrodes. Moreover these LOC are reusable, packaged and ready to use. In order to validate the concept we designed a LOC devoted to cell arraying, using dielectrophoresis, as well as to cell electroporation.
doi:10.1088/0960-1317/20/4/047001 fatcat:ndunitckangnjlsqibxazeow6y