Ordering of the0d5/2and1s1/2proton levels in light nuclei

C. R. Hoffman, B. P. Kay, J. P. Schiffer
2016 Physical Review C  
A survey of the available single-proton data in A≤17 nuclei, along with calculations using a Woods-Saxon potential, show that the ordering of the 0d_5/2 and 1s_1/2 proton orbitals are determined primarily by the proximity of the s-state proton energy to the Coulomb barrier. This is analogous to the dependence of the corresponding neutron orbitals in proximity to the neutron threshold, that was previously discussed.
doi:10.1103/physrevc.94.024330 fatcat:3mmkrjr6l5gsxkwqhgsusv2qme