Study on the activation plan of Korean wedding industry through awareness survey of Chinese wedding industry

Mi-Sook Kim
2016 Asia-pacific Journal of Multimedia services convergent with Art Humanities and Sociology  
Recent changes in values of marriage of youth and the declining birth rate in Korea, Korean wedding industry is facing a crisis. Inside the industry, currently, so many problems including infrastructure, policy-making, consumers and related business partners have to be solved to assure the activation of Korean wedding industry. On the other hand, in response to new consumer trends shown in the improvement of income levels, China shows new wedding industry in various forms. The new generation of
more » ... China is interested in wedding dress, makeup and hair style, down to the wedding accessories which mean an Copyright 2016 HSST 4 4 0 aggressive representation be selected according to their own preferences. In this way, China's wedding industry is entering a new phase, a time required wedding item that matches the new wedding culture and customer needs. Therefore, as an alternative to the activation of the wedding industry in the recession of Korea wedding industry, China's wedding market can be a very important market. In the present study, general aspects of Korean and Chinese wedding industry have been evaluated concerning the evaluation and selection factors of wedding hall, wedding custom, average required expenditure and others through the awareness survey and basic data investigation. The results of this study, the recognition patterns of wedding industry are similar between China and Korea. Especially it was the most important elements of the particular selection of the wedding hall and its' interior. Based on these results, it will be applied as an alternative program to the activation of the Korean wedding industry.
doi:10.14257/ajmahs.2016.11.05 fatcat:aez4ebjxcvcuzb2pgktrtbab5e