The Parameters Optimization of the Clamp Locking Mechanism

Xiayu Ai, Xiang Shi, Zhen Zhang
2018 Proceedings of the 2018 7th International Conference on Energy and Environmental Protection (ICEEP 2018)   unpublished
Leak repair clamp is the preferred method for permanently repairing pinhole and crack-type pipeline leaks underwater, and the locking mechanism is a key component of it. In this paper, through the analysis on the bite-in theory and the failure mode of the locking mechanism of clamp, three principles for design of the locking mechanism, which are the principle of the contact stress uniformity of the teeth, the principle of axial bearing capacity and the principle of sufficient jacking allowance,
more » ... are proposed. Then using related principles and finite element analysis, the structural parameters of the locking mechanism, including the slip anchor teeth thread angle, the wedge angle of the inner and outer slip anchors as well as the front and rear angles combination of the thread angle, are optimized. The recommended thread angle is 80°, the recommended wedge angle of the inner and outer slip anchors is 13°, and the recommended front and rear angles combination of the thread angle is 65°and 15°.
doi:10.2991/iceep-18.2018.180 fatcat:d5jcyz4rrvfyla4hakfrljad4y