SAT0706 End-stage organ failure in sarcoidosis: characterization and predictive factors in 1082 patients
R Pérez-Alvarez, B Kostov, A García González, R Gόmez De La Torre, M Lopez Dupla, B De Escalante, A Alguacil, J Chara, J Velilla, J Rascόn, JS Garcia Morillo, C Feijoo
(+23 others)
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Scientific Abstracts higher percentage of atrial fibrillation and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in AID patients. Compared to non-AID patients, AID patients had similar clinical ACS presentation and no differences were found with respect to revascularization strategies or medical treatment at discharge. With respect to prognosis the two groups had comparable rates of adverse events during hospitalization (10% vs 10%, p=0.920) with no statistically significant differences in any single
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... nt studied. However after a follow-up of 397 [375-559] years, AID patients had higher rate of combined adverse events (44% vs 28% p<0,001). After multivariate adjustment the presence of AID was associated with increased total mortality (hazard ratio 2.1, 95% CI 1.2 to 3.7, p=0.008) and it was also a borderline risk factor for higher bleeding complications (hazard ratio 2.2, 95% CI 0.9 to 5.5). The presence of AID was not an independent risk factor for neither stroke or recurrent non-fatal myocardial infarction. Conclusions: The presence of AID did not change ACS presentation and clinical management. Although AID is not associated with worse outcomes during hospitalization it is independently linked to higher total mortality and a trend to an increased risk of major bleeding during follow-up. Background: Achieving desirable 25OHvitamin D serum levels with vitamin D supplementation may be influenced by many confounders including lifestyle patterns and vitamin D receptor genetic polymorphisms. Objectives: To test the effect of dietary intake confounding variables such total as calories, dietary intake of vitamin D, calcium, proteins, carbohydrates and fats, on the variance in serum 25-hydroxy vitamin D (25OHD) level after vitamin D supplementation. Methods: Study population: All subjects from one out of three centers who participated in a randomized clinical trial comparing high (3750 IU/day) versus low (600 IU/day) dose of vitamin D supplementation in ambulatory overweight (BMI exceeding 25) elderly subjects (age ≥65 years), with serum 25OHD level between 10 and 30 ng/ml at screening. Outcome measure: 25OH D serum levels at 12 months of follow-up. Confounders included gender, body mass index, baseline 25OHD serum level, genetic polymorphism of vitamin D receptor (Fok, BsmI and Taq) and dietary intake of vitamin D, calcium, proteins, carbohydrates, fats and total calories assessed by food frequency and 24h recall questionnaires, administered a year after the termination of the trial. Statistical analysis: ANOVA for repeated measures and regression using STATA version 13. Numbers expressed as mean (SD). Results: We studied 117 Participants, 62 females and 55 males, age was 71 (5) years, of who 61 received 3,750 IU of vitamin D, and 55 received 600 IU/day. Vitamin D receptor genetic polymorphisms distribution was comparable in both arms. Daily vitamin D intake excluding provided supplements was 7.59 (1.21) mcg and 8.53 (1.36) mcg from the 24 h recall, and food frequency questionnaires, respectively (p was NS between the two arms). Calories, calcium, protein, carbohydrate and fat mean intake was also similar across both arms. The high-dose group achieved significantly higher 25OH-vitamin D serum levels at twelve months 34.9 (9.3) ng/ml compared to low-dose, 21.9 (6.1) ng/ml (p<0.0001). Difference between arms remained significant adjusting for gender, baseline BMI, Fok, Bsml and Taq genetic polymorphism, baseline serum vitamin D and dietary intake of vitamin D, calcium, calories, proteins, carbohydrates and fats. None of these dietary intake measures was found to have significant contribution to the model variance. Supplementation dose was the only significant predictor of 25OHvitamin D serum levels achieved at 12 months. Conclusions: Diet composition was not a confounder for the effect of high versus low dose vitamin D 12-month supplementation, on achieved 25OHD vitamin D serum levels.