Large Scale Wave Analysis for Fluid-Saturated Porous Media Using Convolution Quadrature Boundary Element Method

Takahiro SAITOH, Fumika CHIKAZAWA, Sohichi HIROSE
2012 Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers Ser A2 (Applied Mechanics (AM))  
This paper presents a convolution quadrature time-domain boundary element method for a fluid-saturated porous medium. Large scale wave analyses for a fluid-saturated porous media using the conventional time-domain boundary element method (BEM) are not so popular for the following reasons: 1) No time-domain fundamental solutions are known for the problem, 2)The conventional time-domain BEM sometimes causes numerical instability, and 3) needs much computational time and memory. The formulation
more » ... sented herewith improves these disadvantages using a convolution quadrature method (CQM) and MPI parallelization. The scattering problems of an incident plane wave by cavities in the poroelastic media are solved to validate the accuracy, computational efficiency and formulation of the present method, and investigate the effect of interaction parameters between fluid and solid on elastic wave scattering.
doi:10.2208/jscejam.68.i_187 fatcat:jpda7g7jlja4dbe5wxspcsxleu