Boundary treatment and an efficient pressure algorithm for internal turbulent flows using the PDF method

Sandip Mazumder, Michael Modest
1996 Fluid Dynamics Conference   unpublished
The generalized Langevin model, which is used to model the motion of stochastic particles in the velocitycomposition joint probability density function (PDF) method for reacting turbulent flows, has been extended to incorporate solid-wall effects. Anisotropy of Reynolds stresses in the near-wall region has been addressed. Numerical experiments have been performed to demonstrate that the forces in the near-wall region of a turbulent flow cause the stochastic particles approaching a solid wall to
more » ... reverse their direction of motion normal to the wall, and thereby leave the near-wall layer. This new boundary treatment has subsequently been implemented in a full-scale problem to prove its validity. The test problem considered here is that of an isothermal, non-reacting turbulent flow in a two-dimensional channel with plug inflow and a fixed back-pressure. An efficient pressure-correction method, developed in the spirit of the PISO algorithm, has been implemented. This pressure-correction strategy is easy to implement, and is completely consistent with the time-marching scheme used for the solution of the Lagrangian momentum equations. The results show remarkable agreement with both k-and algebraic Reynolds stress model calculations for the primary velocity. The secondary flow velocity and the turbulent moments are in better agreement with the algebraic Reynolds stress model predictions than the k-predictions.
doi:10.2514/6.1996-1971 fatcat:u4pdegirrnbk5bqctwi6hn7ywm