Research on Early Warning Platform of Quality Assurance System Based on BP Neural Network

Sun Cuihua, Ge Yong, Yao Zhengang
2017 Proceedings of the 2017 7th International Conference on Social Network, Communication and Education (SNCE 2017)   unpublished
This paper establish professional settings and talent supply and demand forecast and dynamic early warning mechanism, analyzes the professional evaluation index system, constructs the function module of the platform, and develops the dynamic warning platform of professional quality assurance system based on BP neural network, which is based on the professional construction quality improvement double helix as the quality assurance model, taking the specialty of higher vocational education as the
more » ... research object. And Experiments show that the platform has good early warning performance.
doi:10.2991/snce-17.2017.23 fatcat:3mjrnbm245gtxpuerga6o7izhm